
William Kidd (Preparation for Ministry, BD)
Having been away from formal academic study for 25 years, my time at the Irish Baptist College has been both a challenging and exhilarating experience. As the Lord’s call grew steadily stronger on my life I had toyed with the idea of further study either online or overseas. However, after meeting the then Director of Training, Nigel Younge, and coming to visit the College with my pastor during 2017, the Lord made it abundantly clear that this was the place for me to further my study of Him and I have no regrets whatsoever having chosen the Irish Baptist College. The in-depth theological study and practical ministry activities push you intellectually, physically, and spiritually. But looking back at the growth I have experienced over the three years is most encouraging and something I am extremely grateful for.
The fellowship of the student body and the staff is a crucial aspect of life at IBC and the relationships I have formed have been a tremendous blessing and positive influence throughout my time here, as I am sure they will be in the future. I am also certain that the foundation which we have received under the experienced academic and pastoral instruction at IBC will equip and sustain us for whatever ministry or vocation the Lord has awaiting us in the future.
Nathanael McCabe (MA)
Life seemed to be straight forward for me. I was going to leave high school, study music at university, and become a musician. This was far from what happened. Shortly before starting my university course I felt the Lord calling me to theological training. After some consideration of various Bible colleges, I chose the Irish Baptist College because of their excellent combination of both academic theological training and practical Christian living. This helped form and develop my faith, and enabled me to better serve in mission, whether at home or abroad. Subjects which were taught at the Irish Baptist College have left a lasting impact on me, touching most areas of my life.
After this, I decided to continue my three years of study by undertaking postgraduate study at IBC. The College’s firm commitment to the inerrancy of Scripture and the exclusiveness of the gospel; the strong community of Christian students (where you can make lifelong friendships); the staff members who have had practical ministry experience were all reasons that I wanted to continue studying here. I would highly recommend IBC to anyone who is seriously considering ministry of any kind, from missions to the pastorate, from religious education to practical service in church.
Michael Thompson (MA)
I previously completed a BA in theology though open learning and I had hoped to pursue further study when possible. Having taken early retirement the time was right to enrol for an MA. The MA offered by the Irish Baptist College through the University of Chester met my requirements: academically rigorous with a choice of modules and good access to a library. I therefore commenced part-time study in September 2019.
So far I have begun the Study Skills and Theology of Worship modules. Each module has involved three days in class and this has proved to be very enjoyable, with good lectures from the staff and good interaction with fellow students, several of whom have become friends. While a lot of reading is required, the assignments are interesting and enough time is given to complete them. I have no doubt that the course will help increase my knowledge and help me better serve my local church.
For more information on these courses please visit: https://www.irishbaptistcollege.org/undergraduate/ or https://www.irishbaptistcollege.org/postgraduate/
Or come and visit us on Open Night https://www.irishbaptistcollege.co.uk/events/open-night-2020/