Nathan's Experience on Placement

Nathan's Experience on Placement
By Nathan Lyons
My name is Nathan Lyons. I am currently in my second year of the Preparation For Ministry course. Second year is unique, as you gain first-hand experience in a church setting.
This has been an invaluable experience as you have the opportunity not only to learn but also to put into practice what has been taught in College.
It has been a great blessing to get involved in Ballynahinch Baptist Church for my placement. Pastor Peter Lawther has given me many opportunities to develop my gifts and to experience the practicalities of ministry from week to week. This has included sitting in on baptism classes, visiting members of the church and attending deacons and elders’ meetings. Often these elements are the unseen areas of ministry and so I have been grateful for the opportunity to gain insight into them.
Further, I have been allowed to preach, speak at the Bible study, and lead the praise once a month. I am also involved in the youth fellowship where it has been a joy to invest in the young people.
I have found being involved in a variety of different ministries has helped me to get to know the church family and has also encouraged me to spend time listening to people.
There are many benefits to placement but if I were to pick one, I would say it is coming alongside an experienced pastor and observing how he goes about ministry. To see how he listens and knows his congregation. Furthermore, how this then translates into his preaching. It has also been helpful to have the time to ask questions about how he would approach certain ministry situations.
Yet while placement is an enjoyable time it can also be a very busy time. A typical week means you are in College for 4 days (Mon-Thurs), but you will also have commitments to your placement church. Whether that be preaching, visitation, youth fellowship or some other ministry. Inevitably it is hard to get a balance between these while also prioritising family commitments and personal time in God’s word to nurture your walk with Him. It can be easy in the busyness to try to carry everything and do it all yourself. However, this is where I have learned that I can do nothing independently of God. He is my source of strength for every day. He is the unchangeable rock in which I can find refuge.
Placement is a great chance to be involved in the practical day-to-day running of a church, but it is also a chance to observe and learn things that will be helpful for a life of ministry. The knowledge I have gained in placement will aid me in whatever church context God calls me into. I am grateful to the church family of Ballynahinch Baptist for their encouragement and care for us as a family. Furthermore, I am especially thankful to Pastor Peter Lawther for allowing me the opportunity to learn and grow in my knowledge of ministry and for sharing his experience with me.