
Author: Mark Foster
My name is Mark Foster. I live in Carryduff and I am married to Sally. I am a retired Firefighter (with 35 years of service). My wife and I have been members of Carryduff Baptist for 27 years.
I have been studying at Irish Baptist College for the last 18 months. I’m looking forward to completing a three year, part-time evening class called the Christian Education Course at Strandtown Baptist Church. At the time of writing we are currently studying Romans, the Gospels and Basic Christian Beliefs.
IBC has shown me that the Christian church is much more diverse than I thought it was. Each of us comes from a different church family and this has widened my appreciation of how God is working in our lives and throughout the church, both locally and internationally. I feel very privileged to have tutors who come from a wide Christian background who are passionate and caring in teaching God’s Word.
If you have a desire to serve God I would strongly recommend that you consider studying at the Irish Baptist College.