Introducing the Irish Baptist College’s New Logo

Introducing the Irish Baptist College’s New Logo
At the beginning of a new academic year the College is delighted to introduce a new logo. The project has been ongoing since the beginning of 2020. Despite the impact of Coronavirus the project has been brought to fruition with the logo launched this month.
The aim was to modernise the College’s public face while maintaining the professional tenor of publicity. As result there is not only a new logo, but also a new mini-prospectus which outlines the courses on offer. All of the detail about the courses can be accessed online.
The hope of the logo is to communicate the message that the Irish Baptist College is a place of the book. Both the staff and the students are committed to and serious about knowing, obeying, and proclaiming the Bible. If Scripture is the divinely inspired and totally inerrant word of God, and we are convinced it is, then we want to be known as people of the book. The open book concept in the logo hopefully communicates this.
The Bible is the primary source of information about who God is, what Jesus has accomplished, and how the Spirit is active in the life of the Christian. It both comforts and chides the Christian. Scripture communicates the good news of great joy of salvation in Jesus Christ alone. For all these reasons, and more, the College is devoted to being shaped by the Scriptures.
A new range of colours have also been added to the College’s publicity which should catch the eye and attract interest. However, the purpose of this surface level change is to help more people catch the vision of the training department of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland. As the mini-prospectus asserts from the outset:
“Magnifying Christ. Advancing the gospel. Strengthening the church. The Irish Baptist College is passionate about this commission given to all Christians by the Lord Jesus Christ. In obedience to Christ’s command the College exists to see gospel workers placed on the ground in active service. Will you consider joining us the in the task? an the College help equip you to obey the great commission?”